Tuesday, April 1, 2014

This and That

So here’s a couple of things I have noticed in the last little while that you may find interesting.

I had a handful of jelly beans [Jelly Bellies, if you wanted specifics] the other day, and I looked down at them. I could remember what the various colors and patterns were, so I had a fairly good idea of what I would have expected before. Now? No clue. Maybe the watermelon would taste like black licorice. Maybe buttery popcorn would taste like cherry. Honestly, probably not, but that would have been cool. So I popped a couple of them in. Sadly, they all tasted the same. Sugary jelly-ish something or other. Even the black licorice. For the record, I hated black licorice before. I wasn’t too fond of regular licorice either, but black licorice was kind of like leprosy for your mouth in my opinion. Now it tasted just like every other jelly bean. Guess those flavors just aren’t strong enough.

I can tell the difference between milk chocolate and white chocolate. I know, I know, those of you who understand chocolate on any level know that white chocolate is technically not really chocolate and that it tastes completely different from every other kind of chocolate. But when you can’t tell the difference between a black licorice jelly bean and a buttery popcorn jelly bean, this is a big deal. And I’m not sure if it’s the flavors I can distinguish or the texture. Either way, chocolate covered pretzels have a different flavor depending on which chocolate covers them. And I know that for a fact. Better do some more experimentation to get some clearer answers.

“The smell” is changing. It’s changed a couple of times before, so this isn’t actually much of a revelation. It was a bittery chalky thing before, then it turned almost rancid like I mentioned before. Last night it changed again, and for a faint moment, I thought I was actually smelling something. I was getting my hair done by my sweet and talented friend Annie, and there was a lot of color involved. You hair coloring people will know that there is a very chemical smell about that. Anyway, “the smell” became a chemical rancidy something. And it was very strong. I was tempted to ask Annie what the hair product smelled like, but I didn’t want to jump to anything. After all, she’d already tried to have me smell the shampoo and it didn’t work. But that smell stayed in my nostrils and mouth [sounds gross, but it’s true, sort of. It’s like the back of my throat, not really my mouth… as if that makes it better…] for the rest of the night. As I have gone throughout the day today, it’s come in waves, and I know my hair doesn’t smell anymore. I asked someone to smell it. So I guess I couldn’t smell the dye. But it was interesting to me that it changed. I dunno. It’s weird. I have it right now and it’s kinda driving me crazy…

Sunday I had a chili-like soup that was really interesting. I say chili-like because it was dense and thicker and had a lot of stuff in it. I say interesting because a lot of the stuff that was in there wasn’t soft and mushy. They actually had individual textures, so it was a pleasant eating experience for me. I couldn’t tell you what the flavor of it was, but there were a few softer things that blended together and made my tongue buzz a little bit. Whatever that implies. Obviously, I still need to learn how my mouth interprets things, but we’re learning.

All in all, things are going fairly well. Sometimes I still forget that I can’t smell so it surprises me when I pop something into my mouth and it doesn’t taste like I think it will. But that’s happening less and less.

Which is good, I guess.

High: That soup was awesome. I expected nothing and I got…something. It was fun.

Low: Popcorn has also been added to the list of has-beens. I can’t make it through an entire bag of microwave popcorn anymore, and I used to be a total junkie in that regard. So sad. I may have cried a little. Okay, maybe not, but it was super sad.

High: I still love cookie dough. Which is good and bad. Good because I adore cookie dough and the fact that I still do just makes the sun shine. It’s also bad because it means it’s one of the few things I still want to eat, so I eat it as often as I can. Oh boy…

The more and more I deal with this, the more and more I realize that it’s the little things in life that matter. So find some little things to appreciate. See how the world opens up to your view.

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