Monday, March 17, 2014

Air and such

Okay, let’s have a chat.
Adaptation is not an easy thing. I don’t care if it’s moving somewhere, dealing with an injury, or losing a sense. Everything is weird and just when you think you’ve got it, something else changes and it’s weird again.
I spent 10 days out in fresh air and experiencing the world in a brand new way, and it was invigorating and refreshing and awesome. Strange, but awesome.
Back to the grindstone today, and, to be expected, I am experiencing some new things. But not so refreshing.
We’ve talked about how I’ve gotten more sensitive in other respects because of the adaptations, but here’s one I didn’t expect.
Air. I have had to adapt to air. Because air doesn’t smell now, all I’ve got is the texture of the air and the temperature of it. And let me tell you, my sinuses and head are going crazy today. The air in my office is as stale as old bread, and I had no idea it was like that, let alone that it would bother me. But it does! I have had a headache all day [don’t get excited, that’s not for pity] and I couldn’t figure it out. Then I went outside to get something from my car, and ohhhhhhh the air felt so good. It tasted good [weird, I know], it felt good in my nose, and breathing it was just so good. And my headache was gone.
The moment I went back inside? Stifling, hot, pressure, nasal passages closing up, and headache came right back, sinuses blaring like foghorns.
Truly, the most bizarre realization ever.
Oddly enough, walking up to the pool deck didn’t affect me at all. Not particularly thick or muggy, but it didn’t take the headache away. Didn’t hurt as much, but not refreshing. I don’t know if it was the circulation at our pool, or what, because the pool in Austin didn’t affect me at all, but the pool at the fitness center at Lake Lure was bad.
Also the bus ride last night wasn’t super fun. Until he turned the air on and I had a nice blast of cycling air in my face. I’ve been told this makes sense, because even though I can’t smell, I still have my sinuses. I don’t even know what sinuses do, so that doesn’t help me overly much, but apparently it’s good I have them…?
So maybe I need air circulation or fresh air? Or maybe today’s just a strange day. Who knows. But air texture is an interesting new development.
High:  I’m getting better at flavors. It’s not the same as how it used to be, and that’s all fine and dandy, but if I can make differentiations in this new way? That’d be great.
Low: Stale air just makes the nasty smell/taste I live with [a sort of chalky, bitter-ish nothing] more pronounced. It’s awful, cuz everything has that taste/smell and no one needs more of it.
High: That first breath of fresh air this afternoon. It was seriously one of the most heavenly things ever. Maybe I’m getting an all-natural high off of nature?
So let’s see what tomorrow brings. And remind me to tell you what happens when I’ve had caffeine. Wowzers, that's fun when your senses are weird...

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